The Ro-Hun Training Program at Delphi University

Larry Ansell
2 min readOct 21, 2021


New Jersey-based real estate leader, Larry J. Ansell serves as president of Lazarus Realty Services. He also owns several investment properties and has written a collection of children’s books and many other books relating to metaphysical topics. Interested in spiritual healing, Larry J. Ansell earned numerous certifications from Delphi University, including a Doctor of Ro-Hun Therapy from Delphi’s Ro-Hun Institute.

World-renowned Delphi University trains individuals in alternative energy healing, metaphysics, and spiritual empowerment through its many courses and certification programs. This includes its Ro-Hun Training program:

Ro-Hun is a rapid-acting process of interpersonal therapy that systematically enlightens our thoughts and feelings for personal growth and change. The techniques are innovative, insightful and deep reaching. Ro-Hun takes you into a deep exploration of self and self-discovery. Ro-Hun transforms feelings of shame, guilt, resentment, anger, unworthiness and helplessness that have caused us to sabotage and isolate ourselves from the people and things we desire. It is the co-operative effort of the therapist and client entering the areas of blockages and faulty perceptions, eliminating the fault factor and reprogramming faulty patterns to thoughts of love, wisdom, confidence and strength. The therapist identifies negative thinking patterns and traumas and together with client relieves these patterns, replacing them with positive, more effective means of living and gives the client access to his/her own creative-intuitive abilities. The Ro-Hun process enables the client to connect with his/her own inner resources. The process utilizes the energy systems of the client in creative interaction with the energy field of the therapist to bring about deep and insightful change. It connects you with a vitality and perception of your spirit, energizes your higher self and renews your mind. In so doing, the individual is then able to sustain a positive and productive perspective in his/her life.

Various processes include:

Divine Male/Female; Womb Process; 10 Year Old; Judge; Law of Attraction Process; Split Baby Process; Temple Process;
The Higher Self Initiation/Merge; Unworthy, Helpless, Frightened Self Process.

How Ro-Hun Will Help You:

Clears faulty thought patterns that attract negative situations.
Gives deep and meaningful insights into self.
Aids in the development, enhancement & reinforcement of self-confidence, self-esteem & self-worth.
Helps one forgive and release the past, obtaining new freedom from guilt and resentments.
Increases inner-peace and harmony.
Gives insight into intimate relationships.
Helps become more comfortable with self and feel stronger about coping with life.
Increases understanding and compassion for self and others.
Helps one to open-up the heart to give and receive love.
Assists one towards a more open expression of self.
Assists to relax tension.
Awakens sensitivity to one’s own inner resources.
Introduces one to his/her own creative-intuitive abilities.



Larry Ansell

A multi-faceted professional, Larry Ansell has achieved success as a real estate broker, a business consultant, and an author.